Wednesday, 27 May 2009

I do read the MS Blogs-I've lived with it 38 years now and have attitude it won't beat me. I'm o.k. until things go wrong like my electric scooter packing up on drive when I was going early to market to get some plants.Luckily my son was about and although autistic understands a lot. He got me my cordless phone so I could phone a neighbour. After attempts to get it going he got my spare scooter along side and transfered me using my ploy of back of trs and pants. Then I had problem when I got home as I spent an hour trying to find original bill with engineer's phone no on it. Goodness knows where my Home Help has put it. After Bank Holiday I phoned - 3 times now same fault. Trouble is tho under a year old firm I got it from has gone bankrupt so I now have to pay for time but not parts. He fixed then when I went to use it would not work. When I rang he would not come out again free but as I use scooter a lot said he would do service reasonably.He's had £120 out of me and will not do anything.In desperation have rung man who always does my repairs and he camenext day.It's a plug to control-morecost but at least it will work-its my legs.

I read of headache problems. After years of horrible pads when my legs got worse nurses suggested cathertrising. No bag as I use flip flow[you haveto ask]. Nowadays balloon has more water so I don't eject it. I have discovered you must drink loads to avoid headaches. I use Anadin extra and every night have a feverfew and caffeinated coffee.Also given up supermarket loos as springs-can get in but not out. Use carpark drains where quiet. First time dropped rubber end down drain last week.Also went to drain and realised pee was all over top trousers-carer had only left flip flow switch on night bag so I had to get my son to get new one from cupboard for me and had to stay in trousers until night carers came.

I also read somebody had antibiotics for infection. It's a blood disorder and you feel terrible. I hadso many was releaved whenlady doctor suggested a Trimethoprim every night - three years ago and never had infection since.

I take loads of homapaethic drugs. Vitamin is must to combate fatigue.Q.I.Lutein for eyes.


  1. Hi SueJan,

    Just saw your comment on my blog thanks for coming by mine really appriciate it so mu8ch.
    Hope you arehaving a good day.


  2. Sounds like you have a lot obn your plater. Lovely to hear your son is able to help you a bit.

  3. Hi Suejan,
    Came by to say hello to you,hope you had a good day today.
    Have a fine day tomorrow.
    PS I spent a summer seaon in Swanage in 1970 working in a hotel, enjoyed myself there and still have fond memories of beautiful Dorset.
